It’s been another tough week on the campaign trail for the Republican establishment as Chris Christie and Marco Rubio have begun attacking each other on the campaign trail.

Both candidates are fighting to be the establishment choice in New Hampshire, while outsiders Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are leading the polls.

Here are the highlights:

January 4: Pro-Rubio Super PAC Launches Ads Attacking Christie

“Chris Christie: One high-tax, Common Core, liberal-energy loving, Obamacare Medicaid-expanding president is enough,” the narrator said.


January 5: Christie Denounces Rubio’s Style and Blasts Him on Amnesty

“I just don’t think Marco Rubio’s going to be able to slime his way to the White House,” Christie said to the Washington Post.

“The guy who advocated for amnesty and then ran away when the topic got too hot tells you two things: He’s not a reliable conservative, A, and, B, whenever it gets too hot, Marco turns tail and runs,” Christie added.

Marco Rubio Reacts to Super PAC Ads Calling Them “Accurate”

“We can’t have another president that supports Common Core or gun control or expanding Obamacare,” Rubio told reporters.

January 6: Christie Mocks Rubio’s Inexperience

Chris Christie said that Hillary Clinton would pat Marco Rubio “on the head and then cut his heart out” if he won the Republican nomination.


“This guy has been spoon fed every victory he’s ever had in his life — is that the kind of person we want to put on the stage against Hillary Clinton?” Christie asked talk radio host Laura Ingraham.

January 7: Remember this? 

Using Adele, Christie’s campaign reminded Sen. Marco Rubio of when he fundraised off of Christie’s conservative record.

Rubio Reminds Voters Christie Donated to Planned Parenthood

“He made a personal contribution to Planned Parenthood. He has attacked Republicans that oppose Common Core. That’s not what we need in our next president,” Rubio said on Fox News.

Christie Compares Marco Rubio to Barack Obama

“I don’t think he’s naive, I just think he’s inexperienced,” Christie said. “Listen, we’ve already seen what happens when a first-term United States senator becomes president of the United States.”

January 7: Marco Rubio Mocks Christie’s Change on Gun Rights

When informed by a Fox News anchor that Christie had changed his mind on gun rights in the 90’s, Marco Rubio responded:

“Welcome to the Second Amendment supporter club, I guess,” he said.

Stay tuned! Four more weeks until New Hampshire – and three more presidential debates to go!