Democratic presidential challenger Bernie Sanders is gaining on Hillary Clinton in the key caucus state of Iowa and overtaking her for the lead in New Hampshire.

Sanders is picking up the support of white Democratic voters. They’re fleeing Clinton in favor of more independent-leaning candidates, including Sanders and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.

Clinton is leading Sanders now by only by three points, 48 to 45 percent, in the Iowa caucus, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released Sunday.

Sanders, meanwhile, leads Clinton 50 to 46 percent in New Hampshire.

As Breitbart News reported, Sanders has set up on a huge ground-operation in central and eastern Iowa, largely on the backs of unpaid student labor.

Even onetime Clinton family consigliere George Stephanopoulos admitted that Clinton appears to be “bracing” for defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The reason seems to be white voters.

A new Reuters poll shows Republican Donald Trump leading Clinton among white voters nationally, 44.2 percent to 27.3 percent. Trump also leads Clinton among whites with college degrees, beating her 46 percent to 23.5 percent.