Political consultant Mike Murphy’s Pro-Jeb Super PAC released an ad today hitting the freshman senator for his fancy boots – and his political record.

In a video titled “Boots,” the Right To Rise Super PAC highlights Rubio’s record on Syria, Immigration, Cap-And-Trade, and Iran as a man wearing fancy boots struts across the screen to the tune of Nancy Sinatra’s “Boots” song.

The lyrics, however, are rewritten to accuse Rubio of flip-flopping on important political issues.

Rubio supporters were furious by the ad, suggesting that the Right To Rise Super PAC that supported Bush was more focused on tearing down Rubio.

“After spending $75 million with nothing to show for it, Jeb Bush campaign exists now for sole purpose of tearing down conservatives like Marco Rubio,” Rubio Senior advisor Joe Pounder wrote on Twitter this morning after the ad was released. “Jeb Bush was once willing to lose primary to win general. Now he’s losing primary and appears determined to help Hillary Clinton win (the) general.”