MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina — GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is defending GOP frontrunner Donald Trump against Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) criticism.

The Cruz campaign is pointing to Trump’s interview with Tim Russert from 1999, in which, according to the Cruz campaign, “Donald Trump asserts that New York ‘views’ and ‘attitudes’ are different than other places in the country, such as Iowa.”

Huckabee was asked if he thinks Trump is now sincere in what he says. “I have no reason to doubt him. He’s pretty outspoken, you got to give him credit for that.”

Huckabee went on to criticize Cruz, although not by name.

If you want to talk about a candidate whose switched positions you got a bunch of them out there who changed themselves on Trans Pacific Partnership, on ethanol and on foreign policy and all over the board. So you know, Donald Trump’s positions if they changed, they changed over 15 years not the last 15 minutes.

Huckabee, Cruz, and Trump are all speakers at the South Carolina Tea Party Convention in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.