In a recently released press statement, Oberlin College President Marvin Krislov said he has made no plans to respond to the 14 pages of demands submitted to his office by a group of black students.

“Some of the solutions it proposes are deeply troubling,” Krislov wrote Wednesday. “I will not respond directly to any document that explicitly rejects the notion of collaborative engagement.”

The group of black students are calling for the creation of “exclusive Black safe spaces” at Oberlin College, the renaming of certain buildings, and the firing of particular professors.

“These are demands and not suggestions,” the petition reads. “If these demands are not taken seriously, immediate action from the Africana community will follow.”

“Many of its demands contravene principles of shared governance,” Krislov’s statement said. “And it contains personal attacks on a number of faculty and staff members who are dedicated and valued members of this community.”

Last month, organizing members of the Black Liberation Collective and campus groups from 73 schools released a list of demands they want met at predominately white colleges.

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