In what he is billing as his “first ever presidential endorsement,” talk radio host Glenn Beck endorsed Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign and declared that the Texas senator is the “next George Washington” who Beck has “prayed” to find.

Beck joined Cruz at a campaign rally at Faith Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, today. According to a post at his website, Beck told the crowd:

“We need a new George Washington,” Beck said. “Today’s Washington will not be found in the garish light of gold, but rather, in the bold service of a man who stands tirelessly for what he deeply believes — that government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. That is why I am endorsing Senator Ted Cruz as the next President of the United States of America.”


“I have prayed for the next George Washington,” Beck said, “I believe I have found him.”

Beck and Cruz were joined at the rally by Iowa Congressman Steve King, Bob Vander Plaats of The Family Leader, and David Barton of Wallbuilders.

Beck’s endorsement comes the same week as GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s endorsement by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

At a rally in Sioux Center, Iowa, today, Trump took a shot at Beck, who is a vociferous critic of the New York builder and has falsely accused him of voting for Barack Obama in the 2008 election despite Trump’s public endorsement and fundraising efforts for John McCain.

Trump mocked Beck’s rally for Cruz, saying, “Glenn’s a loser, just so you understand, this guy is a serious loser.”

“I would much rather have Sarah Palin than Glenn Beck,” Trump added.

According to the latest Reuters poll following the Palin endorsement, Trump is leading the GOP candidates at 40 percent, with Cruz down sharply at 10.5 percent in second place.