WATERLOO, Iowa — On Saturday Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), at an Iowa event with his newest high-profile endorser, media personality Glenn Beck, dropped an awkward routine from the first event of the day, at which Beck had given Cruz a mock “presidential oath of office.”

When Cruz joined Beck on stage, after Beck spoke for nearly an hour to a room of more than a thousand supporters here on Saturday night, Beck opted to to give Cruz the presidential “oath of office” as they had done earlier in the day on the other side of Iowa, just outside Des Moines.

The exchange in Ankeny between the two of them—when Beck first officially endorsed Cruz for president—was awkward and sent Cruz for a loop such that the Texas senator actually flubbed the presidential oath of office. The oath is spelled out very clearly in the U.S. Constitution, which Cruz has spent his life defending.

Flubbing what may end up being the most important part of the U.S. Constitution for him if he wins in 2016 may not be a campaign-ender, but the mistake was certainly embarrassing.

Since the shtick didn’t work in Ankeny, it appears, Cruz and Beck dropped the act in Waterloo later in the day.