The BlazeTV host and National Review’s Conservative “Thought Leader” Dana Loesch has endorsed Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

“Dana is a fearless conservative who is not afraid to confront the liberal media bias head on,” Cruz said in a statement released Tuesday. “She is a passionate fighter for liberty and an important voice for conservatives. I am thrilled to have Dana on our team and work together to win the White House in 2016.”

Loesch praised Cruz for fighting for conservative values in Washington and being a leader for the Tea party movement.

She said in a statement:

As one of the original founders of the modern-day Tea Party movement, I watched grassroots conservatives support Ted Cruz’s David and Goliath success against Dewhurst and the Republican establishment. Cruz has fought to repeal Obamacare, shrink the size of government; he has defended our gun rights, our right to privacy, our sovereignty and borders. I personally feel that Ted Cruz is the best choice to reverse America’s road to ruin and am proud to support him in the 2016 Republican primary.

“I have said that I will pull for the most consistent conservative in the race,” Loesch underlined.