Gun control proponents pushing a November ballot initiative to expand background checks in Nevada are largely being “bankrolled” by Everytown for Gun Safety, which is bankrolled by gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg.

The initiative was undertaken after the American people soundly rejected gun control–and gun control candidates–at the federal level in 2013 and during the 2014 mid-term elections. It follows a similar state-level push that expanded background checks in the state of Washington in 2014.

Bloomberg and other billionaires and millionaires heavily funded the Washington initiative, as well.

According to the Las Vegas Sun, “Nevada requires mental health and criminal background checks for anyone purchasing guns from a licensed dealer,” but does not interfere with residents who buy privately, as Americans have done since 1791. The background check initiative would outlaw private sales–making exceptions for transfers between “immediate family members, temporary transfers in the event of imminent death or bodily harm and temporary transfers at a shooting range, while hunting or in the presence of the owner.”

Colorado passed a similar law in 2013, under the guise of acting to prevent high profile shootings and mass shootings. Yet two of our nation’s most prominent 2015 high profile shootings happened in Colorado; Noah Harpman shot and killed three in Colorado Springs on Halloween and Robert Lewis Dear shot and killed three at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood on November 27.

California also has expanded background checks, which were impotent to stop the San Bernardino attack but did serve as a precursor to firearm registration laws and the confiscation laws that followed.

Despite the fact that expanded background checks have proven incapable of stopping mass and high profile shooters, the Nevada initiative continues apace. And while the movement is increasingly characterized as another billionaire and millionaire-sponsored push–“includ[ing] $250,000 from Napster co-founder and former Facebook president Sean Parker and $150,000 from Washington venture capitalist Nick Hanauer”–gun control proponents in Nevada say the effort is the outgrowth of a “local movement.”

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