DES MOINES, Iowa — GOP presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee says the discovery that 22 emails found in Hillary Clinton’s home-brew email system are too secret to even release “ought to be the end” of her 2016 campaign.

“She has no excuse,” Huckabee said of Clinton’s email server, which she used while serving as the nation’s Secretary of State.

“This is not someone who just got elected to something last year and is still trying to feel her way through the rules and through the laws…going back over 40 years, she was a staff member of the Watergate committee – she understood full well what federal law was about,” he said. “She’s a Yale trained attorney for heaven sakes…it’s not like she’s under educated,” he added.

Huckabee also cited Clinton’s decades-long turns as a First Lady, a U.S. Senator and as Secretary of State, adding,

[With] that kind of over 40-year time, for her to pretend that she just wasn’t aware that she may be mishandling public documents or state secrets is utterly absurd – beyond absurd – and she has no defense over that, so I think she shows more culpability than a whole lot of people.

“I think there’s no doubt,” Huckabee responded when asked if Clinton’s email scandal will help her competitor Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during the Iowa caucus on Monday.

Bernie has shown willingness to jump out there not only draw big crowds, but to talk to those crowds, to answer their questions, to speak to their issues. Hillary doesn’t make that many appearances. When she does, they’re totally scripted. It’s all theatrics. There’s no authenticity about her events that really aren’t just a true town hall where any Tom, Dick or Harry can sit down and ask her a question that hasn’t been carefully vetted and screened and properly assured that it won’t in anyway to put her on the spot.

Huckabee added that the President of the United States is put on the spot everyday. “I just don’t think she’s showing any level of preparation for the job,” he concluded.