Ed Klein, author of “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary,” joined host Stephen K. Bannnon today on Breitbart News Daily to discuss breaking news that three individuals from Hillary Clinton’s “inner circle,” Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jake Sullivan, have been put on notice by the FBI that they should prepare to testify under oath as to their involvement in the handling of classified national security secrets on the Democratic front-runner’s private email server.

Along with long-time advisor Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills was Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff at the State Department and Jake Sullivan, her  political advisor, represent Hillary’s “inner, inner sanctum” according to Klein. All have been notified by the FBI that they are going to be interviewed about the email scandal.

“As a result, all three of them have lawyered up, according to my sources and I’m told that they are beginning to distance themselves from the campaign for fear that any connection they have to he email scandal could hurt Hillary’s chances,” said Klein.

The full interview can be heard below.