In Derry, New Hampshire last night, Senator Marco Rubio was introduced by Rep. Trey Gowdy and Sen. Tim Scott, two South Carolina congressional Republicans who have endorsed him.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Chairman of the House Benghazi Committee, praised the freshman senator for his respect for the rule of law.

“I want a president that actually enforces the law and I want a commander of chief that I can actually be proud of,” he said. Gowdy explained to the crowd that the two biggest responsibilities of a president are national security and law enforcement.

“Take it from a 16-year-long prosecutor, the law is the most unifying force in our culture, it is the most equalizing force in our culture,” he said. “There’s a reason why the lady wears a blindfold, the law is supposed to apply to everybody, whether you are rich, poor, black, white, male, female.”

Gowdy praised Rubio for spreading the conservative message in a “hopeful,” “persuasive,” and “aspirational” way as he made his way on the campaign trail. Gowdy also argued that Rubio was an authentic and sincere candidate, after he has come under attack from rivals as coming off too “scripted.”

“The same Marco that you see in public, the same Marco you see in debates, is the same Marco that I have sat with privately and ridden on a bus with when nobody else is around,” Gowdy said. “If you like authenticity, if you like sincerity, if you like people who actually practice what they preach and live by the same set of rules they want you to live by, then you’re going to love Marco Rubio.”

After Scott took the microphone, he explained that he met with and hosted twelve Republican presidential candidates in South Carolina before he decided to endorse Rubio.

“I put pen to paper on each candidate, and I said I would not endorse unless one candidate stood head and shoulders above the rest,” he said. “We’re here to hear that candidate.”

Scott shared a bit of his own life story, flunking high school before meeting a mentor who helped him get his life on track.

“Marco Rubio reminds me of that mentor, because he inspires a new generation of voters, but he does so by holding on and anchoring himself to our conservative principles,” Scott said.

“I think while we are suffering through seven long years of President Obama, it is time to avoid four long years of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

As Rubio prepares for the primary in South Carolina, Gowdy and Scott are two South Carolina political allies that will be crucial to his campaign.