Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that people in the United States illegally “may or may not” be entitled to due process before being deported, and that while he doesn’t agree they are necessarily entitled to due process, it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t give them due process. He also said that while he supports medical marijuana, he’d have to see the health impacts of Colorado’s legalization of recreational marijuana are on Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Trump said, in response to host Bill O’Reilly arguing illegal immigrants would be entitled to due process before being deported, [relevant exchange begins around 2:30] “If they’re here illegally they may or they may not be [entitled to due process]. Just like the argument we had about the anchor babies. In my opinion, you don’t need –.”

After O’Reilly cut in to object, “I’m telling you all settled law says once you’re here, you are entitled to our constitutional protections, every single case.”

Trump countered, “I disagree. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do that.”

The discussion later turned to Colorado’s legalization of marijuana, Trump stated that dealers going to Colorado and then selling marijuana in other states is a “real problem.”

He was then asked, “What would you do?” There is another problem. In Colorado, the book isn’t written on it yet, but there’s a lot of difficulty in terms of illness and what’s going on with the brain and the mind and what it’s doing. So, you know, it’s coming out probably over the next year or so. It’s going to come out.”

When asked what he would do to stop it, Trump answered, “I would really want to think about that one, Bill. Because in some ways, I think it’s good and in other ways it’s bad. I do want to see what the medical effects are. I have to see what the medical effects are. And, by the way, medical marijuana, medical, I am in favor of it a hundred percent. but what you’re talking about, perhaps not. it’s causing a lot of problems out there.”

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