Welcome to Breitbart News’s daily live updates of the 2016 horse race. 

9:50: Breitbart’s team sent this photo as people arrive for Donald Trump’s rally in Nevada.

9:25: Donald is tweeting out favorable polls.

9:07: Sen. Marco Rubio gets another establishment endorsement. In June 2013, Sen. Daniel Coats voted to allow the Senate to debate Rubio’s immigration bill, but then voted against the bill when it had majority support.

9:05 Ann Coulter hits Slate magazine for racist analysis of Jeb Bush’s self-inflicted immigration, trade and common-core defeat.

9:00:  Donald Trump is keeping his distance from Fox’s Megyn Kelly.

7:20: In Nevada, CNN finds it “odd” that there  are Latinos supporting Trump in Nevada. The CNN report points out that a “significant” number of Hispanics who have been in the United States for a long time are worried that Latino newcomers may take their jobs. How about that? Who knew?

The fact that CNN didn’t file a report saying they couldn’t find a Latino in Nevada supporting Trump means the mainstream media know that Trump may do better with Hispanics than what they have been publicly predicting.

7:10: Rubio senior adviser Jason Roe says Rick Tyler was merely”collateral damage.” He claims Rubio has momentum but will  not say if Rubio can win Nevada or any other state in the near future.

7:00: Sanders calls out Clinton for not releasing transcripts. Danny Glover campaigns for him in South Carolina:

6:50: Kasich more than happy to say “sorry” about kitchen remarks:

6:20: From Breitbart’s Michelle Moons in Nevada:

Visiting Jeb Bush campaign HQ and it’s mostly cleared out – voter registration forms in a black trash bag, a small American flag, white boards and a lone strand of red, white and blue garland hanging in the front window.

(Photos: Michelle Moons/Breitbart News)

6:15: Breitbart’s Adelle Nazarian in Nevada sends this photo of a Cruz supporter:

(Photo: Adelle Nazarian/Breitbart News)

5:45: MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki warns that pundits who argued that Trump can’t win the GOP nomination are making the same arguments about his chances in a general election. Chris Jansing says that Hillary Clinton supporters who feel that Clinton will win the general election because she is more of a policy wonk than Trump should look at what happened to Jeb!’s candidacy. Kornacki notes that Trump may win over a lot of blue-collar Democrats in a general election.

5:25: Trump’s town hall with Fox News/Hannity airs tonight:

4:55: Must-read piece by John Nolte:

4:45: Mainstream media reporter Robert Draper:

4:42: Team Rubio responds to Rick Tyler’s firing:

4:40: Cruz denies secret meeting with Rubio:

4:35: Second Morgan Freeman ad for Clinton running in Southern states:

4:25: Dilbert creator predicts Trump will win Presidency in Historic Landslide:

Dilbert creator Scott Adams knows a little something about popular culture. Probably a tad bit more than GOP establishment consultants. On CNN, Adams says he believes that Trump will win the presidency by one of the greatest margins in history.

Adams has also suggested Trump choose Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban as his running mate.

4:19: Carson in Nevada:

4:08: Sanders is claiming he won the Hispanic vote in Nevada (Clinton’s team contends she won the Latino vote)

3:57: Rick Tyler reportedly abruptly left MSNBC’s set:

3:55: Trump slams Cruz as the biggest liar in politics:

3:45: Latino UNLV student tells Fox News that Latinos may not tell people they support Trump because of potential backlash. Similar dynamic in Hollywood:

UNLV law student Sebastian Gajardo, 28, said he and his parents support Trump and have other Latino friends who do so as well but are afraid of being chastised if they vocalize support.

“Hispanics that have been and are established here tend to like him, especially the ones that are more conservative-leaning and more involved in business, whereas those who are more recent immigrants dislike him,” he said.

3:36: Now he goes after Clinton after giving her a pass on almost everything else? May be too little, too late:

3:33: Sanders receives endorsement of National People’s Action:

3:30: Ted Cruz reportedly asked his communications director Rick Tyler to resign:

3:20: The same “genius” pundits who thought Trump may have a tough time qualifying for the first debate are incessantly repeating talking points about Trump’s “ceiling” and what they claim will be his inability to win over moderates and independents. But not only is Trump bringing in new voters into the political process like Obama did in 2008, one can make the argument that Trump is accomplishing what the GOP establishment tried to argue that Rubio would do best–win over Tea Party conservatives and moderate Republicans:

2:55: Wall Street Loves Rubio (and comprehensive amnesty legislation). Reuters:

Republican Marco Rubio’s presidential run has drawn more money from Wall Street donors than any other candidate, according to a Reuters review of campaign finance disclosures, shoring up his position as his party’s establishment alternative to front-runner Donald Trump.


Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who dropped out of the race on Saturday after poor finishes in the early nominating contests of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, came in second in Wall Street donations, accumulating $2.45 million in contributions, while Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton took third place with $723,361, according to the review.

2:45: Bob Dole Endorses Marco Rubio in an interview with ABC News.

2:40: Bernie Sanders: Pope Francis Is a Socialist, per the National Catholic Reporter:

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders praises Pope Francis in a new video interview with the Canadian Catholic television network Salt + Light, calling the pontiff a socialist like himself and lauding his critique of the global market system.


2:35: Twitter exchange shows why conservatives who so desperately crave to be “influencers” (they are realizing that voters really don’t care about what these influencers, who think they are more important than they actually are, think) are throwing tantrums along with the Republican establishment consultants who want more Jeb Bushes to use to pad their bottom lines. Flashback: Trump’s Rise Without Traditional Campaign Spending Existential Threat to Political Election Industry:

2:18: Rubio’s cousin probably won’t vote for him in Nevada (so much for growing the party and appealing to Dems). New York Times profiles Mo Denis, Rubio’s cousin and state senator (D).

Asked if he could see himself voting for Mr. Rubio if he made the general election, Mr. Denis was candid. “I would have a hard time,” he said. “At the end of the day, I’m still a Democrat.”

2:10: Arizona Republic: Jeff Flake endorses ‘Gang of Eight’ co-member Marco Rubio

2:05: Politico on Bernie’s ‘Spring Break Blues’:

But there’s just one problem for the surging senator: When primary or caucus day arrives in each of these college towns, as well as dozens more from Maine to Hawaii, many of the students Sanders hopes will help carry him to the White House won’t be there. They’ll be in Cancún. Or Florida. Or back home.


1:58: West Virginia Poll: Sanders 57, Clinton 29

1:55: Rubio, Sanders spending more than they are taking in:

1:42: Why talk of a “Trump ceiling” may be foolish:

1:40: Julian Castro continues to audition for Hillary’s vice president. He’s campaigning for her in Sarasota, Florida this week:

1:35: Interesting donation to the Cruz campaign:

1:30: Tom Ridge endorses Kasich:

1:25:  Eamonn Fingleton in Forbes: 

I am going to stick my neck out: Donald Trump will be America’s next President.

Why? Not only is Trump speaking truth to power on two crucial issues – trade and immigration – but it is now clear he has ignited long smoldering voter anger on both issues.

None of his Republican opponents comes close to sounding serious on these issues. And even in a general election, he holds pole position. The likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, whose chances have improved after the Nevada result, has belatedly toughened her stance on both issues, but her conversion seems driven less by conviction than political expediency.

1:17: CNN: Nevada Looks Like ‘Trump Country’

CNN’s Maeve Reston says almost every Republican voter “we’ve met is saying they are for Trump.” She says that it’s “Trump country in Nevada.”

1:00 pm – New Hillary endorsement:

12:50 pm – NBC News’ big idea for election coverage: anonymous “confessions.”

12:47 pm – Cornel West with a Hillary reference circa 1989:

“Sister Hillary Clinton is the Milli Vanilli of American politics,” West charged. “She lip-syncs, she gives lip service. But when it comes to policy, who supported the crime bill? Who supported, not just the deregulating of banks, but also pulled the rug from under welfare?”

12:43 pm – NYTimes goes through Bush’s expenditures in a case study in campaign opulence.

12:16 pm – Some Sanders oppo in Politico. Take note: 1974 is fair game for Bernie but Juanita Broaddrick (1978) is Old News.

The CIA is “a dangerous institution that has got to go,” Sanders told an audience in Vermont in October 1974. He described the agency as a tool of American corporate interests that repeatedly toppled democratically elected leaders — including, he said, Iran’s Mosaddegh. The agency was accountable to no one, he fumed, “except right-wing lunatics who us it to prop up fascist dictatorships.”

At the time, the 33-year-old socialist was running for U.S. Senate on the ticket of the Liberty Union Party, an anti-war group that likened the draft to “a modern form of slavery” and called for reducing the U.S. military in favor of local militias and the Coast Guard.

11:53 am – At a press conference in Boston today, Sanders “will accept an endorsement from a national grassroots organization.”

11:49 am – Finally–Jeb’s big moment!

11:43 am – Fox News’s Todd Starnes says there should be consequences in Cruz’s campaign for the Rubio Bible video.

11:43 am – Today’s the day that establishment moderates learn how to be angry at GOP consultants.

11:30 am – If the thought of young Bernie Sanders getting manhandled by police is your thing, the Chicago Tribune has unearthed an archive photo to meet that very need.

11:25 am – Imminent Nevada caucuses bringing Real Issues to the fore.

11:24 am – Trump says his debate performance the week before cemented his win in SC.

11:15 am – AMERICAN RESEARCH GROUP POLL–Michigan: Trump 35%, Kasich 17%, Rubio/Cruz 12%, Carson 9%.

11:14 am – EMERSON POLL–Massachusetts: Trump 50%, Rubio 16%, Kasich 13%, Cruz 10%, Carson 2%.

11:09 am – Ted Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler on Fox News says Ted Cruz is “the only conservative left in the race with a path to victory.” Says Donald Trump “has appealed to evangelicals and he has convinced them that he would defend them.” Cites “pockets of liberalism” in South Carolina to explain Rubio’s second-place finish on Saturday.

11:03 am – Al Sharpton calls Donald Trump “the white Don King” in an interview with Politico.

“The best way I can describe Donald Trump to friends is to say if Don King had been born white he’d be Donald Trump,” says Sharpton with a broadening smile. “Both of them are great self-promoters and great at just continuing to talk even if you’re not talking back at ‘em.”

10:48 am – Paula Jones tells Breitbart News that  Bill Clinton continued to pursue her after initial abuse.

Paula Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, says that the former president and his surrogates repeatedly propositioned her after their infamous initial encounter.

Jones made the statements in an interview on Monday with Breitbart senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein. The interview aired exclusively on Breitbart News Daily, the radio program hosted by Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

10:37 am – New Rubio super PAC ad rips Trump as “erratic,’ Cruz as “calculating.”

10:23 am – RNC releases blistering ad reminding voters of Hillary’s racialist attacks on Obama in 2008.

10:12 am – Cruz appears to be worried about his home state.

It makes sense for Cruz to be in Texas on Thursday, that night’s debate is in Houston. 

There are no recent polls out of Texas. Late last month, Cruz was ahead but not by much. Trump is -7 points down


10:04 am – Pro-Rubio super PAC compares Rubio to Harry Potter, Trump to evil Voldemort.

Leaders of a pro-Rubio super PAC sent a fundraising memo Sunday evening likening Marco Rubio to the youthful boy wizard Harry Potter and Donald Trump to the evil wizard Voldemort from the Harry Potter book series.

“The results in South Carolina were tremendously good for Marco Rubio,” Warren Tompkins and Jon Lerner wrote. “This morning, the media speculation that Donald Trump is unstoppable, is flatly wrong. It misses a central element of this year’s Republican nominating contest.”

Not sure how comparing Rubio to a BOY wizard helps Rubio.

9:55 am – CNN: Mike Murphy made $14 million running Jeb Bush’s failed super PAC.

One Bush bundler told CNN’s Dana Bash that when it came to Murphy, “strong knives are out.”

“He made minimum of $14 million,” the bundler said, requesting anonymity to speak freely about campaign strategy.

The details of Murphy’s compensation package at Right to Rise are not publicly known. Murphy responded to the $14-million figure by calling it, “Absolute bulls—.”

Bush’s Right to Rise USA super PAC was, of course, a breathtaking failure that took in $100 and failed to win-place-show in any of the three states that have so far voted.

9:42 am – Trump warns Rickets family: ‘They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!’


9:31 am – GOP outraises Democrats by nearly 2-to-1

9:22 – Sen. Lindsey Graham floats Rubio – Kasich ticket.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is urging leading Republican presidential candidates behindDonald Trump to unite in an effort to bring down the GOP front-runner.
“I think a Kasich-Rubio ticket would be great,” Graham said late Sunday during an interview with Rita Cosby on WABC, describing Kasich as a “terrific” governor of Ohio and Rubio as a “very, very talented” senator from Florida.

9:15 am – Despite 1 huge loss and two close wins, Hillary is still murdering Bernie in the delegate count.

8:51 am – Former-NAACP President Ben Jealous loves the Clinton “brand“:

“The hard part is getting beyond the Clinton brand. The Clinton brand is a bit like Coca-Cola. You know, it’s a Southern brand. Everybody knows it. It tastes good. The question you have to ask is: Is it the best option for you?”

8:43 am – “Game of Thrones: Winter Is Trumping”

8:40 am – From Charlie Spiering: House Majority Leader gives advantage to Trump.

“The bigger advantage is to Trump. I think he’s got the momentum. I think there’s more than a 50 percent chance he’s the nominee. And I think that’s what’s setting in for a lot of people.”  – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

8:38 – Black Republican (Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson) booted from party for the sin of being a black Republican

Donald Trump‘s spokeswoman Katrina Pierson got into a heated altercation on the a new reality TV show that ended with her being escorted out by security.

The segment for WETV’s “Sisters In Law,” a show about black female lawyers, showed Pierson being invited to the home of cast member Rhonda Willis by Monique Sparks, who introduced her as a “black Republican.”

8:25 am – Narrative turns against Bernie Sanders’ chances.

A quick look around the PunditSphere shows that after Hillary’s win in Nevada, the reality is setting in that Saturday was Bernie’s last stand.  Summary: He needed an upset win there. Instead he lost by 5 points. Saturday was also peak-Bernie-mania, which felt more like a spike than a ObamaWave.

8:21 am – NBC’s Chuck Todd lashes out against Trump’s ‘campaign rhetoric’

8:14 am – REMINDER: The next GOP  debate is this coming Thursday on CNN.

8:12 am – Establishment spends almost a quarter-billion dollars to (so far) lose

A seven-month, $220 million surge of spending on behalf of mainstream Republican candidates has yielded a primary battle dominated by Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, two candidates reviled by most of the party’s leading donors.

8:10 am – From Charlie Spiering: Pawlenty Endorses Rubio

On CNN this morning, former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio for president:

“Marco is strong, conservative, informed and electable. He has the vision we need to lead the party and our country,” he said. “He, too, wants the Republican Party to be the party of Sam’s Club, not just the country club — and I am pleased to endorse him.”

In the last 24 hours, Nevada congressmen Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. Mark Amodei have endorsed Rubio as well as Actor Donnie Wahlberg and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC).

7:50 am – Trump retweets some unhappy faces at Fox News after his SC win is called.

7:41 am – Cruz campaign issues apology to Rubio for spreading a false Bible story.

Rick Tyler, the Senior Communications Advisor for Sen. Ted Cruz, issued a public apology after spreading a false story reporting that Sen. Marco Rubio made a nasty comment to a Cruz staffer about the Bible.

“I want to apologize to Senator Marco Rubio for posting an inaccurate story about him here earlier today,” Tyler wrote on Facebook after sharing the false story online. “The story misquoted a remark the Senator made to the staffer. I assumed wrongly that the story was correct.”

7:34 am – Trump up double digits in Rubio’s firewall” of Nevada.

National Review has declared Nevada Marco Rubio’s “firewall.

Depending on which poll you believe, Trump is up in Nevada by either +16 points or +26 points.

The Nevada Caucus is tomorrow.

7:27 am – Erickson refuses to vote for Trump in the general election.

“Donald Trump has had no ‘road to Damascus’ conversion. He only wants to date the preacher’s daughter. Once he’s gotten in her ballot box, he’ll be back to his pro-abortion New York values self.”

When I wrote in National Review that I was against Donald Trump, I said and have maintained since his entry into the race that if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, I would support him. No longer.

Donald Trump believes the federal government should fund Planned Parenthood. Donald Trump believes there are good things the child killers do. What is most damning is how so many are willing to be compromised by Donald Trump.

Trump has said that he is not for any federal funding of Planned Parenthood if they continue to perform abortions. Trump has praised the abortion provider for other services it performs, like cancer screenings.