Carly Fiorina has endorsed Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

In a statement released Wednesday Fiorina explained why she is planning on voting for Cruz.

We need a constitutional conservative to unite our Party. Ted has spent his life defending the Constitution. My father was a conservative judge on the very liberal ninth circuit. It takes someone of true principles and convictions like my dad and like Ted Cruz to stick to their guns. Ted has been fighting these fights–whether it’s for religious liberty or our individual right to keep and bear arms or American sovereignty. And he has won.

We need a leader and a reformer to challenge the system in Washington and fix the festering problems–whether it’s our broken immigration system or the IRS. And here’s something I’ve learned throughout my career: if you are a real leader, you absolutely must challenge the status quo. And when you challenge the status quo, you make enemies. It’s the price of leadership. And that price is one too many people aren’t willing to pay, and so they don’t lead. Ted Cruz has made enemies by taking on the political class. They’re scared we found our guy.

Fiorina also took a shot at Donald Trump and explained why she chose Cruz over the real estate mogul.

Some in our party are saying they’d prefer a liberal like Donald Trump because he is a deal maker. We’ve had enough of the deals, enough of the cronyism. Donald Trump buys politicians like Hillary Clinton and then we are surprised when Washington continues only to serve the big, the powerful, the wealthy, and the well-connected. These are the same Republicans who tell us Ted is just too conservative, that they don’t like it when he won’t back down from a fight, that they wish he would quit making their jobs harder by forcing them to do what voters elected them to do.

Of course, there are also many Republicans who are now horrified at the prospect of Donald Trump as our nominee. I am one of them. The only way to beat Donald Trump is to beat him at the ballot box. And guess what, the only guy who can beat Donald Trump, who has beaten Donald Trump is Ted Cruz.

For his part, in a statement on his Web site, Cruz adds:

Carly Fiorina is a strong, principled leader and woman of faith. Our campaign is stronger with her leadership and her voice. Her story embodies the promise that in America anyone can start as a secretary and become a Fortune 50 CEO. Carly speaks the truth with courage, doesn’t back down to the Washington powerbrokers, and terrifies Hillary and the Democrats. We are blessed to have her support, and together I am confident we will continue to unite conservatives so that every American has the opportunity to achieve the unimaginable.