Rapper Mac Miller appeared on Larry Wilmore’s low-rated The Nightly Show on Wednesday to direct a vulgar diatribe at Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

“I only have one thing to say: I f—king hate you, Donald Trump,” said the rapper, who named a popular song after the real estate mogul in 2011.

Miller then took aim at Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, and accused Trump of inciting racial hatred.

“We all know what that [slogan] means: ban muslims, Mexicans are rapists, black lives don’t matter…”

The rapper also told Wilmore’s Comedy Central audience Trump actually wants to make America “white again.” He added:

Let me whitesplain this to you, you racist son of a bitch … You see, you’re lowering the bar for our nation’s intelligence. Your only goal is to stay in the spotlight, no matter how much it fuels the fire of hate groups you apparently know nothing about, like KKK and Neo-Nazis. You have people at your rallies that openly assault black teenage girls, because, ‘hey, that’s America.’

I think you’re such a egomaniacal, attention thirsty, psychopathic, power hunger, delusional waste of skin and bones that you’ll do, say or allow anything if it means you’ll just get one more minute in the limelight.

Referring to Trump’s supporters as “stupid,” Miller also pledged to not move to Canada if Trump is elected: “You know what I’m gonna do if you get elected? I’m staying right the f—k here. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’ma be here every day telling the world how much I hate you, how much of a clown you are, and how we as a nation are better than you will be as a racist f—kwad of a human,” he said. “Because I love America, and I’m never giving it up to a troll like you.”

The rapper ended the rant by calling Trump a “bitch.”

Watch Mac Miller’s Donald Trump rant below:

The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
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Miller and Trump have traded barbs online a number of times since the release of Miller’s 2011 song, “Donald Trump,” which Trump initially approved of.

After the song amassed 20 million views on YouTube, Trump suggested the rapper pay him royalties.

After hearing Trump was mulling the idea of running for president in 2013, Miller told Complex magazine, “When he started running for president I was like, ‘Oh, f—k—this is horrible, I have a f—king song with this dude’s name and now he’s being such a douchebag.’”

Trump responded:

Miller went off on another unprovoked rant about Trump’s supporters, multiculturalism, and the Black Lives Matter movement in in December.