Tommy DiMassimo, who allegedly tried to rush the stage where GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was speaking in Ohio on Saturday, appears to have found a politician he does like: Black Lives Matter online activist Deray McKesson, who is currently running to become the next mayor of Baltimore.

On Wednesday night, Mr. DiMassimo, a budding young filmmaker and white Black Lives Matter activist retweeted a pitch from McKesson:

Although Mr. DiMassimo recently retweeted another post about White Privilege, it’s possible he does not hate all people.

Mr. DiMassimo’s timeline contains other retweets of comments Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King.

Baltimore’s Democratic primary is on April 26. Mr. McKesson is currently polling at less than 1 percent.

Follow Breitbart News investigative reporter and Citizen Journalism School founder Lee Stranahan on Twitter at @Stranahan.