The Christian Post is following up on a story first reported at Breitbart News, that Robert Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, is rebuking Glenn Beck for claiming that “all throughout the South the Evangelicals are not listening to their God.”

The Post story ran under the headline Robert Jeffress: Glenn Beck Can’t Tell Christians God Doesn’t Approve of Voting for Trump:

Megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress is hitting back against conservative radio host Glenn Beck’s accusation that evangelicals voting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are “not listening to their God,” by stating that Beck does not know God’s mind.

After Beck commented at a Utah rally for Sen. Ted Cruz that “all throughout the South the evangelicals are not listening to their God,” Jeffress, who leads the 12,000-member First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, said that “Beck’s wacko comment speaks for itself.”

“However, by using the phrase ‘their God’ to refer to the God we evangelical Christians worship, Beck is finally admitting that the true God of the Bible is different than the god of the Book of Mormon. I congratulate Beck for his honesty in differentiating between the two,” Jeffress told Breitbart News.

“I am somewhat puzzled that Beck claims to know how the God Christians worship would vote in the Republican primaries,” he added.

While Jeffress has not endorsed anyone for president, he has introduced Trump at several of the billionaire businessman’s campaign events, and has defended him on a number of occasions.

You can read the full story here.