GOP frontrunner Donald Trump joined Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” from a diner in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin where he was meeting and talking with voters ahead of the Badger state primary Tuesday night.

“I think we’re going to have a surprise tonight,” the real estate mogul predicted, adding, “Everybody likes Trump” in the diner this morning. “I think we’re going to have a great day. I’ve worked hard in Wisconsin.”

“I’ve really been here a lot,” he added.

“It reminds me very much of New Hampshire,” and South Carolina, Trump said about the “energy” in Wisconsin.

Trump also responded to a new ARG poll that has him leading Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) by 10 points in Wisconsin.

“That was a great poll in South Carolina too. I was not expectd to win South Carolina,” Trump responded about the ARG poll, explaining that poll had him winning in South Carolina where he ended up winning in a landslide.

Trump was asked how he would feel if he came out of Wisconsin with a loss to Cruz.

“I wouldn’t feel good about it,” Trump responded. “More importantly…I’ve had millions and millions of people voting for me, more than Cruz and more than Kasich.”

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who endorsed Cruz, joined Fox News earlier in the show and said, “Ted Cruz has continued to win as people make it clear it is either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump…I believe Ted Cruz is going to win here today because people are very well informed here.”

Trump responded to Walker, saying, “I’ve won millions of votes more than Ted. The votes do matter.”

The polls in Wisconsin close at 8 p.m. Tuesday night.