Sen. Bernie Sanders is tackling Hillary Clinton in New York ahead of the April primary — which she would prefer to be a rosy media homecoming.

Hillary spent the morning riding the New York City subway talking about how excited she was to be back “home” in New York where she was once a U.S. Senator while reporters questioned her about last night’s Yankee game and returning to campaign in the Bronx.

The Sanders campaign, however, directly attacked Clinton last night in Philadelphia, suggesting that she wasn’t qualified to run for president.

“Secretary Clinton appears to be getting a little nervous,” he said. “She has been saying lately that I am not qualified to be president.”

He argued that Clinton wasn’t qualified to be president, citing the special interest groups funding her Super PAC, Wall Street donations, her vote to go to war in Iraq, and her history of supporting trade agreements.

Sanders was responding to Clinton’s interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe after the Wisconsin primary, when she was repeatedly asked whether Sanders was even qualified to run for president.

“Well, I think he hasn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions,” she said. “Really what that goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people.”

In response to Sanders, Clinton took the opportunity to mock him for speaking to reporters in New York this morning.

“It’s kind of a silly thing to say,” she said to reporters before boarding the New York subway. ”But I’m going to trust the voters of New York who know me and have voted for me three times.”

She also mocked Sanders for telling the New York Daily News that to ride the New York subway you had to have a “token” — even though the system had switched over to metro cards years ago.

“I think it was my first term when we changed from tokens to metro cards,” Clinton laughed while speaking to reporters outside the station.

But Hillary ran into her own problems, unsuccessfully swiping her metro card several times before it worked successfully.