As Republican campaigns scramble to assembly delegate lists by May 8, Democrats on Wednesday passed the first of several key deadlines in the delegate selection process before the California primary. Those Democrats interested in representing their congressional district at the Democratic National Convention July 25-28 in Philadelphia — some 317 (58%) of the party’s 548 delegates from California had to file a form by Wednesday.

The final lists of delegates will be compiled at special caucuses on May 1, according to the Sacramento Bee. The California Democratic Party website lists the locations for separate caucuses for the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigns in each congressional district, which has a different number of delegates (from 4 to 9) based on the number of registered Democrats in each. The final allocation of congressional district-level delegates will be chosen by voters in the June 7 primary, with delegates allocated on a proportional basis according to the vote.

Potential delegates still have until June 9 to apply to be at-large delegates or Party-Leader-Elected Official (PLEO) delegates, which together total 158 (29%), and who will be allocated to different campaigns on a proportional basis based on the statewide vote June 7. The remaining 73 delegates (13%) are “superdelegates,” mostly elected officials.

Republicans have a different — and simpler — process. Each campaign is responsible for preparing a slate of delegates in each congressional district and submitting it to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla by May 8. Except for ten delegates awarded to the statewide winner, the three delegates submitted by the winning presidential campaign in each district on June 7 will be chosen to attend the GOP convention July 18-21 in Cleveland.