As Hillary Clinton runs to become the next leader of the free world in November, she’ll have more than just have the Democrat establishment and a phalanx of Super PACs behind her.

Hillary Clinton will also benefit from the support of a community of organized thugs, miscreants and academically poisoned zombies. Here’s what they wrought last night outside a Trump rally in Costa Mesa, California.

Earlier in the day, a tiny group of protesters demanded that the Google not sponsor the Republican National Convention if Donald Trump is the nominee; the turnout for that event, staged by a coalition of well-funded leftist community organizing groups, was embarrassingly small. The Google protest was political theater, designed to give Google the excuse of saying “well, the public has spoken” should they decide to tuck tail and run.

They did manage to get a plane, however.

It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. The institutional left’s enemy is not Donald Trump. He is just the target right now, following the playbook of freezing the enemy by the father of community organizing Saul Alinsky. Any nominee will be the eventual target in the long, hot summer ahead.

This is the organized left. Their real enemy is you and your children’s future. Their real enemy is America. Their real enemy is freedom.

Learn more about the institutional left and follow Breitbart News investigative reporter and Citizen Journalism School founder Lee Stranahan on Twitter at @Stranahan.