President Barack Obama defended his decision to release a rule forcing schools to allow students to use their bathroom of choice regardless of gender.

“We’re talking about kids,” Obama said, pointing out that lesbian, gay, and transgender children were “subject to a lot of bullying” in school.

“They are vulnerable and I think that is part of our obligation as a society to make sure that everybody is treated fairly and our kids are all loved, and that they are protected and that their dignity is affirmed.”

He insisted that public school administrators had approached the Department of Education for guidance on the subject, which was why they issued a ruling.

The transgender issues, he warned, would not go away, pointing out that the courts would be responsible for setting the tone for the future.

“Ultimately, depending on how these other lawsuits go, you know courts will affirm or reject how we see the issue,” he said.

He said the rules was the result of his “best judgement” on the issue, although he declined to go into specifics on the Justice Department’s decision to sue the State of North Carolina over their recent bathroom decision.