Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein calls former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the antithesis of the political revolution that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is building with his presidential campaign.

Jill Stein’s name appeared on nearly 40 general election ballots in 2012 and the Green Party’s Ralph Nader had ballot access in forty three states and the District of Columbia in 2000. Stein used Twitter and Facebook on Tuesday to court supporters of the Bernie revolution on the night Hillary Clinton declared herself the historic victor in the Democrat primary for President of the United States.

The presumptive nominees of both the major political parties also made an appeal to Bernie Sanders’ supporters but neither Trump or Clinton used the revolutionary rhetoric that has been a critical messaging component in the Sanders campaign’s self-described political movement.

For the significant number of supporters motivated by Senator Sanders’ blistering attacks on the corruption of the political establishment, Hillary is going to be a tough sell. Trump is also a tough sell for these voters because he’s a wealthy Republican and he regularly violates the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) code of political correctness.

In his appeal to Sanders’ supporters, Donald Trump slammed the “rigged” nomination process during a speech Tuesday. Stein reinforced the rigged process narrative by attacking the Democrat party and took effective shots at other contentious issues between Clinton and Sanders.

With an establishment fixture like Hillary Clinton at the top of the Democrat ticket, the Green Party wants Stein to capitalize on the anti-establishment vibe in the Democrat electorate. Ralph Nader managed to capture nearly three million votes nationally in 2000 by running to the left of former Vice President Gore.

Stein received less than half a million votes nationwide as the Green candidate in 2012, in a race where the incumbent President Obama was popular with the left-wingers Stein hopes to win. Despite her previous run, Stein’s Twitter account @DrJillStein appears to have only surpassed 100,000 followers on Tuesday.

In 2012 Stein spent less than a million dollars but did manage to win at least one percent of the vote in three states — Maine, Oregon, and Alaska. To date in 2016 Stein has only raised about $500,000

Dustin Stockton is a political reporter for Breitbart News, a community liaison for Gun Owners of America, and a political strategist. Follow him on Twitter@DustinStockton or Facebook.