Germany Claims Green Extremist Anti-Car Vandalism May Have Actually Been Russian False Flag
Hundreds of sabotaged cars in Germany may have actually been attacked by Russian agents in a plot to discredit Green politics, reports claim.

Hundreds of sabotaged cars in Germany may have actually been attacked by Russian agents in a plot to discredit Green politics, reports claim.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) blasted the Green Party on Saturday over the issue of transgender athletes in women’s sports.
The entire federal executive board of the German Green party resigned on Wednesday after a string of disastrous regional election results as the leftist party is haemorrhaging voters amid growing opposition to core pillars of its platform such as the green agenda, support for the war in Ukraine, and open borders.
Green Party candidate Jill Stein is facing widespread ridicule after she failed to correctly state the number of voting members in the U.S. House of Representatives during an interview on The Breakfast Club.
Left-green politician later claimed she had no idea image of Virgin Mary and baby Jesus had religious significance at the time of shooting.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a challenge has assured that Green Party candidate Jill Stein will remain on the ballot.
Jill Stein told Breitbart News that the Democrat Party “coronated” Kamala Harris as its nominee without a “single vote cast for her.”
Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, told Breitbart News that the Democrat Party deserves to be renamed the “Anti-Democratic Party” because Democrats are “pulling out all of the stops” to prevent her from getting her name on the ballot in several states.
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein speaks outside of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Tuesday, August 20.
The Democrat-majority North Carolina State Board of Elections blocked Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the November ballot.
Right wing parties performed best in the EU elections, with many new seats at the expense of hard-line greens and their liberal allies.
A freshly elected Green Party councillor justified the October 7th terror attacks on Israel by arguing that Hamas had a right to “fight back”.
Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein was arrested with more than 100 others at an anti-Israel protest on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, her campaign said.
Green party minister may have been deceived by own people to make sure closures went ahead, magazine that sued for internal documents claims.
Social media erupted with criticism when a Green Party member who is a candidate running for Senate in New Jersey pointed to the “climate crisis” as the reason behind the recent earthquake in the Northeast.
Germany’s Air Force One equivalent again lets the government down, with one jet suffering an engine failure and another forced to divert.
Golriz Ghahraman, a former Green Party lawmaker, was charged with two counts of shoplifting at a store in a trendy neighborhood.
Farmers prevented Germany’s vice chancellor from disembarking a ferry, hours after govt changed tax plans that infuriated the agri sector.
Jill Stein, who famously ran in the 2016 presidential election, announced on Thursday that she is running for president yet again with a platform that includes guaranteeing the “right” to a living-wage job, housing, food, health care, education “and more.”
“Now is not the time to shut down power plants. Until it is clear that energy is available and affordable” said the minister.
Britain approved new oil and gas drilling in the North Sea, a move environmentalists say will hurt attempts to meet climate goals.
Bad news for Germany’s left-green coalition: research finds clear majority would rather the state just got on with fixing potholes.
Polling puts a left-wing alliance in first place in the upcoming Dutch elections, opening the door to a leftist coalition government.
A growing number of Democrats are worried that third-party presidential candidate Cornel West could siphon voters from President Joe Biden and derail his reelection efforts.
The UK government’s Counter Disinformation Unit reportedly logged statements from a Green Party MP during the Chinese coronavirus crisis.
The populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has surged ahead of the country’s Green party, polling on Wednesday has suggested.
Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck proposed a plan for up to 80 per cent of industrial energy costs to be subsidised amid green agenda failures.
Major gulf between a willingness to eat in-season fruit and veg, and drastic civilisational change like not having children, research finds.
A government report into abortion in Ireland has confirmed that some babies are left alive after abortions in the country.
The European Parliament has passed a resolution that will see “insane” green building rules forced onto individual EU member states.
A major Catholic schools association in Ireland has denounced government plans to have children taught about transgenderism.
Funding earmarked for various projects was reportedly “raided” by a gay minister in Ireland, who handed the cash to ‘LGBTQ+’ Projects.
The British people are more united on immigration being “too high” than on any other issue, polls suggest – but their political class are continuing to give them more and more of it.
Scotland’s green-obsessed left-separatist government has been left with egg on its face by revelations that dozens of gigantic onshore wind turbines are having to be hooked up to diesel generators, and pour thousands of gallons of hydraulic oil into the countryside.
Ireland must prepare to grant asylum to migrants supposedly fleeing climate change, a government minister from the Green Party has declared.
Ireland’s Children’s Minister has publicly called for “transgender issues” to be taught to children in elementary schools.
Protesters gathered in front of a shuttered power station on Sunday to demonstrate against the Irish government’s banning of a natural and abundant fossil fuel just in time for the winter energy crisis.
One councillor has claimed that her constituents have been left “afraid to walk the streets” after an influx of asylum seekers into her town, where migrants now make up over one-fifth of the population.
The Met Police reduced the number of pictures of knives on its social media platforms amid concerns of creating an unnecessary fear of crime.
The UK’s Green Party has demanded that the two candidate’s vying to become Britain’s next Prime Minister abandon aims for economic growth for the sake of the climate crazy agenda.