The gay advocacy group Log Cabin Republicans is calling for President Obama to acknowledge “Radical Islamic terrorism” as the cause of the Orlando nightclub shooting.

Omar Mateen’s killing of 50 people inside the gay club Pulse has confused progressive commentators torn between their advocacy against homophobia and their loyalties to the Islam religion, which in all forms forbids homosexuality.

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton made a careful statement calling the shooting both an act of “terror” and also an act of “hate.” But the conservative gay community wants radical Islam to be confronted.

“Domestic terrorism has struck once again on American soil, in a direct attack on the LGBT community of the United States — during Pride Month, no less,” Log Cabin Republicans President Gregory T. Angelo said in a statement provided to Breitbart News:

It’s no secret that abroad men who are gay — and merely suspected of being gay — are targeted for execution; today, that threat has reached the United States. Log Cabin Republicans extends our deepest sympathy, condolences, and sorrow to the victims and families of those targeted in this morning’s violence. If the shooter’s suspected motivations are indeed confirmed, we call upon President Obama and the presumptive nominees of both parties to condemn the attacker and acknowledge in no uncertain terms the cause of this massacre: Radical Islamic terrorism.

Obama did not explicitly say “radical Islamic terrorism” in his address on the shooting. Republican candidate Donald Trump called for Obama to resign if he did not acknowledge Islam in his speech.