Former State Senator Dr. Kelli Ward issued a statement targeting establishment Senator and “remain” supporter John McCain after the United Kingdom voted to “Brexit” the European Union on Thursday.

Dr. Ward said in the statement:

The fearmongering has failed, and the will of the British people has prevailed against elite opinion, causing heartburn for America’s ultimate establishment insider, John McCain. Just this week, John has voted to allow the federal government to prowl through our internet browsing histories without a court warrant and to deny self-defense rights based on secret lists without any judicial approval or oversight as required by our Constitution.

With polls showing Dr. Ward tied with Senator McCain, McCain has gone sharply negative in the race against his conservative challenger.

“John may attack the patriotism of military families like mine and lie about my record, but the truth has a power all its own that no political sleaze can match,” Dr. Ward wrote. “No amount of money can overcome the desire of individuals to chart their own destinies and protect their liberties by keeping government power limited and local.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron praised Senator McCain in a March tweet for intervening on behalf of the “remain” campaign to keep the UK in the EU. Cameron announced his resignation after voters ignored both Cameron and McCain’s warnings and voted to Brexit.

“After nearly four decades in Washington, John McCain’s cheap and predictable scare tactics aren’t working anymore,” Dr. Ward finished. “On August 30, we will Retire McCain and elect a Conservative Champion to fight for AZ, Not DC.”