Adult Students Crying, Cocooning and Coloring Books After Election
Colleges and universities across the country are allowing and encouraging their adult students to vent, cry and lament the election results.

Colleges and universities across the country are allowing and encouraging their adult students to vent, cry and lament the election results.
‘Orange is the New Black’ actress Lea DeLaria took to social media Wednesday after Donald Trump’s historic presidential election victory to express her dismay at the outcome — and also to suggest that she would use a baseball bat to “take out” Republican and Independent voters.
As election-day voting began to ramp up in the crucial swing state of Florida, two precinct clerks at Herb Skolknick Community Center in Broward County’s Pompano Beach were fired over a reported altercation. Police were called after there were reports of
As Chelsea Clinton was in the Keystone State on Sunday, it was revealed by WikiLeaks that she had reportedly misused Clinton Foundation funds for a number of things, including her 2010 wedding.
Ray Reynolds says he’s traveled about “30,000 miles” to attend nearly fifty Trump events on his own dime, as a volunteer. Reynolds who owns a construction company and a photography business — Rayzor’s Edge Photography — admits that both his businesses have suffered as a result of his dedication to the Trump campaign.
About 17,500 people turned out to see Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speak at “The Farm” Thursday evening. Trump was introduced by General Mike Flynn and was joined on stage by about two dozen generalS, admirals, and medal of honor recipients for a speech focused on rebuilding the military.
Ivanka Trump made three campaign stops in North Carolina on Wednesday as both the Trump and Hillary campaigns focus in on the Tar Heel state in the final days before the election.
Vice President Joe Biden addressed a crowd of about one hundred and seventy-five people in Charlotte, North Carolina Tuesday night. In an effort to forge unity between the two moderate wings of the Republican and Democrat parties, Biden told the crowd that he had thirty-five Republican senators who are more than willing to work with him and Democrats.
Men forced to grow out their hair and beards by the Islamic State’s oppressive Sharia law are flocking to barber shops to shave their beards and get new haircuts in the suburbs of Mosul, where the operation to liberate the city has begun.
Donald Trump Jr. campaigned for father Republican nominee Donald J. Trump at the Florida vs. Georgia game in Jacksonville, Florida Saturday. As he walked through the crowd of hundreds of energetic supporters, Trump Jr. was bombarded by screams of support and requests for selfies.
FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to members of Congress informing them that the FBI was reopening the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email scandal. According to the New York Times,”New emails tied to the FBI’s Clinton inquiry were discovered during the investigation into Anthony Weiner’s sexting.”
A rescue mission on the outskirts of Mosul, Iraq saved the lives of a dog and her puppies who were buried alive in a military operation against the Islamic State. According to the BBC, the dog family was buried by the destruction of Islamic State tunnels.
“This election is both about repudiating Donald Trump’s divisive, demeaning, degrading rhetoric that should offend all of us even if we’re not the people in his crossfire,” Chelsea Clinton says.
During a campaign rally Wednesday in Lake Worth Florida, Hillary Clinton needed help climbing one step onto a platform. According to footage captured by HillBroYo and Paul Joseph Watson from Prison Planet, Clinton was given a helping hand as she climbed onto
On February 16, 2016, top-tier Democratic pollster and strategist Stan Greenberg, who advised former President Bill Clinton during his campaigns, sent an unsolicited email to Hillary Clinton’s campaign Chairman, John Podesta, criticizing Hillary Clinton for the way she was handling many aspects of her campaign.
President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines continued his war of words against the United States during his trip to Japan Tuesday. Duterte suggested he may end the defense treaties between the United States and the Philippines.
TAMPA, Florida – More than twenty thousand people filled the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater Monday night to rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The rally was Trump’s second of the day as part of a five-city, three-day swing through the Sunshine State. Trump was introduced by former Florida State University head football coach Bobby Bowden.
The United States exercised a “freedom of navigation” operation in the South China Sea this weekend, once again challenging China’s growing colonization of international waters in the region.
The Republican nominee for President arrived in the Trump-branded helicopter and spoke about his specific policies ranging from immigration to trade to foreign policy and national security.
Rachel Casey, the 29-year-old woman and Donald Trump supporter who was violently attacked by progressive protesters and had eggs thrown into her hair in San Jose, California, earlier this year, gave her first exclusive interview since the revelations in new videos that Democratic paid operatives incited such violence around the country to Breitbart News on Sunday.
MIAMI, Florida — Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump’s unorthodox campaign in Florida is still neck-and-neck with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the latest polls, despite being outmatched in spending in this critical battleground state. The race remains close in large part thanks to the “movement” he often references from the stage at his rallies nationwide.
Former Brazilian Speaker of the House Eduardo Cunha was arrested Wednesday on charges of taking millions of dollars in bribes from contractors with the oil company Petrobras.
After a week of controversial rulings by United States district judge Mark Walker, a President Obama nominee, he has finally decided to rule against a third pro-Democrat initiative put forth by the Florida Democratic Party in regard to voter ID. On Thursday, Walker ruled against allowing rapid verification to take place during early voting that starts Monday in some major counties in Florida.
In a newly annexed community of Largo, Florida a ballot “mix up” is causing a stir leading up to the November 8th election. During the first week of October, mail-in ballots were sent out to the two hundred and fifty-two voters in the community. Once the ballots were mailed an error was discovered that forced the Pinellas County Elections Commissioner’s office to send out a second ballot ten days later with an insert explaining why they were receiving a second ballot. The error at the center of the controversy was a missing field for the city’s one contested commission seat.
The Texas mother’s son Joshua was killed in 2010 by an illegal alien. In the ad, Wilkerson describes the horrible way her son was beaten and murdered by an illegal alien.
Obama phoned in to 95.7 The Beat, a local radio station in Tampa Bay, to talk about the economic recovery, bringing home troops and extending health care to millions.
In a surprising move late Sunday night, United States district judge in Florida, Mark Walker, a President Obama nominee, ruled that the state must provide a method for voters to fix signature problems on mail-in ballots before the election.
Robert Creamer is the founder of Democracy Partners and a frequent visitor to the Obama White House. Logs show Creamer making 340 visits to the White House, with 45 of those meetings including President Obama.
Tuesday during a campaign stop at Montgomery County Community College’s Parkhouse Atrium in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, Bill Clinton attacked Donald Trump on his campaign theme of “Make America Great Again.”
The majority of Bill Clinton’s message was upbeat and positive, although he did suggest that he is tired of hearing that “America is going to Hell in a hand basket.”
Congressman Louie Gohmert released a statement on Friday stressing that, although Trump was not his first choice, “Trump did not sell his country to our enemies, unlike Hillary.”
“Last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women,” Michelle Obama said about Donald Trump during her rally in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Former Vice Chair of the Democrat Party of Florida and former Chair of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party, Mark Alan Siegel, had some ideas about how the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign should handle the situation with super delegates and Bernie Sanders in an email leaked by WikiLeaks.
In December, 2011, top aide Doug Band emailed a colleague in December 2011 to describe to the near-suicide of Laura Graham, Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and the chief operating officer of the Clinton Foundation.
Fixing the “gender pay gap” has become a staple of Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s stump speech but in a speech to the Accenture Women’s Leadership Forum in October 2012, Clinton claimed that the laws to fix the problem are already on the books.
At a Hillary Clinton campaign rally Tuesday in Charlotte, North Carolina, First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a fiery speech, taking direct aim at Clinton’s opponent, Donald Trump. “We need someone who’s honest and plays by the rules,” Obama said, referring to the former Secretary of State as a good replacement for her husband.
The United States consulate in Adana, Turkey, warned Americans traveling abroad Monday of specific threats of violence from Islamic State members against hotels hosting foreigners.
An upcoming voter registration drive event held by the Supervisor of Elections for Pinellas County in central Florida is catching a lot of flack from Democrat groups and the head of the Democratic party of Pinellas Country.
In a campaign appearance Saturday in Youngstown, Ohio Chelsea Clinton suggested that marijuana has the ability to kill.
Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, has agreed to block dozen of gay websites and apps in the country. The three specific websites at the center of this crackdown are the dating sites and applications Grindr, Blued, and BoyAhoy.