Practicing physician Kelli Ward called on Arizonans to elect her to replace Sen. John McCain in the wake of Monday’s Supreme Court decision to overturn Texas’s abortion law, declaring that, unlike McCain, she will support a President Donald Trump in appointing conservative Justices.

“Today’s decision illustrates why it’s so crucial that a conservative replace John McCain in the U.S. Senate to support President Trump in appointing conservative Justices to the Supreme Court,” said Ward in a campaign statement. “Senator McCain has a track record of supporting liberal nominees including Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer who authored today’s extremist ruling.”

The Supreme Court announced Monday the 5-3 decision to invalidate Texas abortion law HB2 in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt on Monday. Breyer argued in the decision that the medical benefits of the two challenged provisions of the Texas law enough “to justify the burdens upon access that each imposes.” Ginsberg joined the opinion and in a separate opinion used “liberal briefs and arguments about how abortions are safe for women” according to a Breitbart News report. That report noted that HB2 was considered a “relatively minor restriction” and the court’s decision to overturn it “accentuates the stakes of November’s presidential election.”

Former Arizona State Senator Ward continued:

Although taking innocent life is not healthcare, as a practicing physician I can attest to the need for stringent medical protocols for all invasive surgical procedures. We all remember when unsanitary, non-sterile conditions led to STD transmission and sepsis for “patients” at Kermit Gosnell’s bloody abortion mill. It is sad and shameful that abortion extremists care so much about the profits of the abortion industry that they are willing to subject women to lower standards of cleanliness than those required at veterinary clinics.

Pro-life leaders, including Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) and Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins also cited the Kermit Gosnell case following this high court decision asserting the potentially harmful fallout for women’s safety in the face of the abortion industry.

Ward concluded, “The most disturbing aspect of the Texas abortion case is the erosion of States’ lawmaking authority in an area where there is no Constitutional enumeration of federal power. This is an unconstitutional usurpation of power by the Supreme Court.”

Justice Clarence Thomas joined Justice Samuel Alito’s principal dissent to the high court decision, but also added, “I write separately to emphasize how today’s decision perpetuates the Court’s habit of applying different rules to different constitutional rights — especially the putative right to abortion.”

Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod tweeted in May regarding Ward’s record on the issue of life, “For the record, Kelli Ward had a 100% pro-life voting record as a State Senator. Never wavered.”

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