Conservative U.S. businessman Jay Faison is beginning a $5 million political action fund to support Republican congressional candidates who express an interest in combating climate change.

The New York Times reports:

Even as his party’s presumptive presidential nominee denies the existence of global warming, the businessman, Jay Faison, and his ClearPath Action Fund will spend at least $2 million on digital media campaigns to defend Senate incumbents running in two of the tightest races in the country, Rob Portman in Ohio and Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire, a recognition of the senators’ support for clean energy, Mr. Faison said Wednesday. The advertisements are expected to start running this week.

ClearPath is also spending several hundred thousand dollars on digital advertising campaigns to support Representatives Carlos Curbelo of Florida and Tom Reed and Elise Stefanik of New York, all Republicans running for re-election in similarly tight races.

“What we’re trying to do is prove to the party, through these races, that clean energy wins races, to build a political safe space for the Republican Party to talk about this,” Mr. Faison said in an interview. “It is difficult for a politician to consistently act in an area with no reward. We have their back.” He added, “We’re also making that case to the Trump campaign.”

Great idea. If this catches on, who knows what other neglected issues might be funded by conservative donors in order to give Republican hopefuls more appeal in the all important whiney, dumb, overeducated, underinformed, liberal youth demographic?

Maybe — why not? — we will see new Super PACs being established for Republican candidates who are keen advocates of #blacklivesmatter. Or ones who are especially vocal in promoting transgender bathroom facilities. Or ones who believe in the need for higher taxes, bigger welfare handouts or nationalising the means of production and handing them back to the workers.

On second thoughts, maybe not. Maybe Jay Faison and his “greenbacks for greenbollocks” (TM) pac are a perfect example of why so many traditional Republican voters have become disaffected with the GOP and are yearning for change.

Quite simply, “climate change” is not — and never will be — a Republican issue.

This is not — as Democrats and other leftists would argue — that US conservatives are “anti-science.” Rather it’s because they are “pro-evidence.”

What all the evidence shows is that the $1.5-trillion-a-year climate change industry represents the biggest conspiracy to defraud the taxpayer in history.

From Solyndra to Tesla, from the collapsing wind industry to the failed climate talks in Paris last December, the green industry is like King Midas in reverse: everything it touches turns to poop. This is obvious to anyone who reads outside the liberal media or has access to the internet.

The closer you get to nature, the more likely you are to be skeptical. That’s why farmers have longed called bull on “man-made global warming” — provoking condescending, disbelieving articles from the liberal Establishment.

So the only option left to all those with their snouts in the trough of this $1.5 trillion industry is to oink ever louder that the sky is falling, the sky is falling, no really the sky is falling.

Consider, for example, this letter sent to Congress last week by a number of allegedly authoritative scientific groups.

It claims:

There is strong evidence that ongoing climate change is having broad negative impacts on society, including the global economy, natural resources, and human health. For the United States, climate change impacts include greater threats of extreme weather events, sea level rise, and increased risk of regional water scarcity, heat waves, wildfires, and the disturbance of biological systems. The severity of climate change impacts is increasing and is expected to increase substantially in the coming decades.

As an Englishman, I can’t help noticing the similarities between the similarly dire predictions made by numerous experts as to what would happen to the UK economy if we voted to leave the European Union.

We did.

The sky has not fallen in as the experts had told us it would.

But then, that has always been the problem with the — did I mention this figure, already? oh well, won’t hurt to mention it again — $1.5 trillion climate change industry.

As Upton Sinclair said: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”