CLEVELAND, Ohio – The Republican Party has been reborn.

The Republican Party has been liberated from the corrupting forces of globalist special interests. The Republican Party of losers and grifters has been replaced by a new party, rising from the ashes of George W. Bush and John Boehner. This new party has whites, blacks, browns, Asians, and everything else.

These are the dreamers who are coming out of the shadows as Donald Trump supporters. These are the undocumented Republicans who are finally proving their power with ballots.

The Establishment went after them with prejudice. Trump supporters feared for their jobs and reputations. They worried about what their neighbors would think. But they don’t have to worry anymore.

Here in Cleveland, the message from the delegates is clear: this is our party now.

And C-Span has to cover it:

The first night in Cleveland showed what this campaign is about. But it also showed what this movement is about for so many of its supporters. This movement is about the urgency of human kindness.

The night before his New Hampshire primary win, he stood on stage at a hockey arena in Manchester as a blizzard pummeled the streets outside, littering the Granite State with snow-banked cars. Trump came out to the Beatles’ “Revolution.” The people came out too – at least one in full Trump costume – to listen to what Trump had to say. I wrote then:

The sweating, bumbling politicians have all become boardroom wannabes or castaways on an island where their flaws are exposed, picked apart, and analyzed. And they all come off dishonest compared to him. This is the politics of Richard Pryor as Montgomery Brewster and Peter Sellers as Chance the Gardener. This was never supposed to happen. But it did. And scarier still for the suits trying so hard to shut it down: Trump has substance.

In South Carolina, the room got bigger. It flowed out of the convention center the night of the rainstorm in Greenville and into the parking lots, where black and white merchants sold Trump slogans on all manner of T-shirts and tchotchkes. Inside, the crowd felt like they were getting the inside information about the world of power, and that they were privileged to be in this room listening to it. “Keep winning!” shouted a man who clearly surprised his wife and daughter, who did not recognize him as someone to shout such a thing out loud. It was like a catharsis.

Across America, people started saying what they think, realizing that it’s still technically legal in America to say what you think in most cases – though pretty soon it might not be legal anymore if the progressives hang on to power.

Terrorists killed our citizens, and feckless politicians in empty globalist suits responded with incompetence, malevolence, and disdain for the seriousness of the threat. Trump, meanwhile, promised that “we’re going to love each other.”

“There is so much love in this room,” he said at his rallies.

More people went to Trump’s rallies. The rooms got bigger.

In Wisconsin, he made kids behind him in “Trump’s Wall” T-shirts recite a pledge to never do drugs or cigarettes and to “take it easy on the alcohol.” In New York, he gave a black woman a job at his hotel.

The Trump movement is never on tape delay. It is always live, like his greatest-ever Saturday Night Live episode with Sia in a mask singing, “I’m alive. I’m alive.”

The Trump movement is a collection of Americans improvising their next move. It’s okay that it’s all improvised because the world is fast and malicious, and the ties that bind his delegates are unbreakable. Trump supporters see themselves as bound by common sense, empathy, judgment, and kindness. They come together to build their movement, to keep it going, and to welcome in new friends.

So we have a political party now that is malleable, that is open-minded. And therein lies the delicate brilliance of Donald Trump’s movement.

People used to vote for a candidate to go off to Washington and be president.

Now, America could elect a man who will be president with us.