CLEVELAND, Ohio — Three parents who each lost a child crimes by illegal aliens took the stage on Monday at the Republican National Convention to share their stories and urge Americans to vote for the candidate that showed he cared and would act to protect America and her borders: Donald Trump.

Mary Ann Mendoza’s son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, “advocated for children and provided an annual Thanksgiving dinner” while he served and protected lives as a law enforcement officer.

She spoke of the memorial set up in the area he patrolled.

“His death has left a large void in many people’s lives,” she said. “My son’s life was stolen at the hands of an illegal alien. It’s time we had an administration that cares more about Americans than illegals. A vote for Hillary [Clinton] is putting all of our children’s lives at risk.”

Sabine Durden, a legal immigrant from Germany, came onstage next. She told what she called “sadly” a similar story of losing her only son. Dominic Durden, who was biracial, never became the rallying cry for a Black Lives Matter march. He died at the hands of an illegal alien who had been deported, but illegally re-entered the country, later committing crimes in the U.S. Yet he was allowed to remain here.

“My best friend, my rock, my son Dominic, my only child, was also killed by an illegal immigrant, I call them illegal aliens.” She continued, “He was an amazing young man who was loved by all.”

Dominic also worked with law enforcement, Durden recounted. He was a 911 dispatcher, pursing his dream of becoming a helicopter pilot for the police department.

That was “until a criminal illegal alien turned his car in front of him riding to work and he killed him instantly.”

The killer was from Guatemala and had previous felonies for armed robbery and grand theft, said Durden. “After returning to America illegally again he was caught drunk driving.” She recounted that he was only sentence to probation for that offense. Then another DUI and more probation, she said.

“Five weeks later, while barely under the legal limit of being drunk, he killed my Dom. He was given a misdemeanor and served just 35 days in jail,” the still-grieving mother told the crowd and all of those watching from across the country.

“I have been talking about illegal immigration since 2012,” she said. “Since the death of my child.”

“Donald Trump is not only my hero, he’s my life-saver.”

“Crooked Hillary [Clinton] always talks about what she will do for illegal aliens and what she will do for refugees, but Donald Trump talks about what he will do for America,” said Durden, to chants of “USA, USA, USA.”

“We need to enforce our existing immigration laws, we need to secure our borders so no other person has to go through this,” she said, speaking of her and the other families’ grief and agony. She urged Trump to build a wall on the southern border, adding: “Americans need to come first.”

Jamiel Shaw was the next parent to recount the horrific and deliberate killing of his son, Jamiel “Jaz” Shaw II. “On March the second, 2008 my life changed in the twinkle of an eye,” said Shaw.

“One minute I’m hearing my son’s voice, ‘Be right home, old man, I’m just around the corner. ‘ Next minute, gunshots and my Jaz was dead.”

Shaw heard the shot that killed his son. “It happened so fast.”

The young man’s mother was serving overseas in the military at the time, said Shaw.

“For two weeks all the politicians supported us and every black politician in L.A. did too,” said Shaw. After they “learned the the illegal alien killer was a gang-banger from Mexico,” Shaw says, “everything changed.”

“Three gun charges and an assault and battery on a police officer and the politicians disappeared.”

He continued, “In 2012 we finally had our day in court.” In court proceedings it was revealed that Shaw II “was murdered because he was black.”

“The coroner testified that while Jaz was on his back, bleeding from a stomach wound,” his hands were up as the second bullet flew through his hands and then his head.

“It was also proved that the gang targeted black men,” said Shaw.

“You would think [President Barack] Obama cared and black lives matters, but no,” he said. “And we all know Hillary [Clinton] is Obama’s third term.”

“Only Trump called me on the phone one day to see how I was doing. Only Trump will stand against terrorists and end illegal immigration.”

Shaw said: “The wall, build the wall.”

“Only [Donald] Trump mentions Americans killed by illegals. Trump will put America first, not crooked Hillary,” added Shaw, who called Trump “sent from God.”

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