Someone at the Democratic National Committee should be blamed for the committee’s hostility to Sen. Bernie Sanders, says Jeff Weaver, who served as Sanders’ campaign manager. 

“We spent 48 hours of public attention worrying about who in the [Donald] Trump campaign was going to be held responsible for the fact that some lines of Mrs. Obama’s speech were taken by Mrs. Trump,” Weaver said in an interview with ABC News Saturday. “Someone in the DNC needs to be held at least as accountable as the Trump campaign.”

“Everybody is disappointed that much of what we felt was happening at the DNC was in fact happening, that you had in this case a clear example of the DNC taking sides and looking to place negative information into the political process,” he said. 

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz heads the DNC. At the GOP  convention, Breitbart News asked her to explain why she openly supported Hillary Clinton over Senator Bernie Sanders during the primaries. She refused to answer questions.

In the interview with ABC News, Weaver went after the DNC for the favoritism towards Clinton. 

“We have an electoral process. The DNC, by its charter, is required to be neutral among the candidates. We had obviously pointed that out in a number of instances prior to this, and these emails just bear that out,” Weaver said. 

“We are trying to build unity for the fall to beat Donald Trump and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a figure of disunity in the party, not a figure of unity,” he added.