Donald Trump has climbed to 42 percent in the CBS Battleground poll of 11 swing-voting states, just ahead of Hillary Clinton at 41 percent.

That’s a two-point convention bounce for Trump in the critical swing-states whose electors will likely get to tip the election to Trump or Clinton. Her ratings remained level at 40 percent.

Unlike most other national popularity polls, the CBS Battleground poll conducted 2,131 interviews of registered voters in Colorado, Florida, Colo. Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, plus the deep blue state of New York.

That’s a good way to test for the leader in the race to get 270 votes in the electoral college — because lopsided Democratic poll-ratings in California and other deep-blue states tend to skew the national poll ratings and to hide the score in the critical swing-states, such as those in the Midwest.