The evidence for a perjury case against Hillary Clinton just got ten feet higher.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation found approximately 14,900 “undisclosed documents” that Hillary Clinton exchanged on her private email server.

Attorneys representing the State Department confirmed the FBI’s findings Monday in a federal civil court case.

Clinton deleted 33,000 emails from her server, according to Donald Trump. It is likely that many of those emails are included in the FBI’s findings.

Additionally, Clinton swore under oath that she turned over all of her work-related emails to State Department investigators.

Monday’s revelation could provide fuel for a potential perjury case that is being promoted by House Oversight Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who joined with other Republicans in writing a recent letter pointing out Clinton’s sworn statements about her email handover:

During a House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing on October 22, 2015, Secretary Clinton testified with respect to (1) whether she sent or received emails that were marked classified at the time; (2) whether her attorneys reviewed each of the emails on her personal email system; (3) whether there was one, or more servers that stored work-related emails during her time as Secretary of State; and (4) whether she provided all her work-related emails to the Department of State. Although there may be other aspects of Secretary Clinton’s sworn testimony that are at odds with the FBI’s findings, her testimony in those four areas bears specific scrutiny in light of the facts and evidence FBI Director James Comey described in his public statement on July 5, 2016 and in testimony before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016.