Hillary Clinton arrived 37 minutes late for her speech to the American Legion conference in Cincinnati today, after rocking the night away at a fundraiser with Jimmy Buffett, Paul McCartney, and Jon Bon Jovi in the Hamptons in New York.

Conference organizers were forced to fill the time gap with music and videos while military veterans waited in the audience for her arrival. Clinton was scheduled to take the stage at noon, but it wasn’t until 12:37 p.m. that a conference organizer introduced her.

She immediately launched into a series of speeches condemning Trump, a candidate who is popular with many military families.

“I am not going to talk a lot about politics today,” she said before repeatedly bludgeoning her opponent Donald Trump with several of his controversial remarks as proof he was not fit to lead as commander-in-chief.

“My opponent in this race has said very clearly that he thinks American Exceptionalism is insulting to the rest of the world,” she said.

Later she noted that “My opponent is wrong when he says America is no longer great.”

“I completely reject anyone, including my opponent, who calls the American military, and I quote, ’a disaster,’” she said.

She also reminded them that Trump was “just so wrong” for insulting people like Sen. John McCain and the Khan family. 

“I will never, ever disrespect gold star families who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation or prisoners of war,” she promised.

Clinton also pleaded with veterans who may have never voted for a Democrat before to consider her for president.

“I suppose there are some of you who have never voted for a Democrat before. I get that,” she said. “My dad was a rock ribbed Republican, but I learned at our dinner table that we can disagree without being disagreeable.”

Trump will speak at the conference tomorrow.