Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is getting heat from both sides of the political spectrum after the FBI released documents pertaining to their investigation into her use of a private email server and her handling of classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein urged voters to reject her bid for the White House over “serious errors in judgement” in an exclusive statement to Breitbart News.

Stein wrote in response to the FBI investigation:

The FBI appropriately released emails from Secretary Clinton’s server so that voters can determine whether she has the judgment needed to serve as president of the United States and commander-in-chief. She has already admitted that using a private email server was a mistake, just as she has admitted her vote on the Iraq war was a mistake. I agree both of these decisions were serious errors in judgment and provide sufficient reasons for voters to reject her bid to become president. Yes, she has a lot of experience during her 35 years in government but her decisions raise questions about whether her judgment is the type we need in office at this critical time.

The revelations included in the FBI release include Clinton claims that she didn’t know that [C] meant classified, that she couldn’t remember things because of a concussion, that she lost cellphones and a computer with sensitive information, and she broke protocol by emailing President Obama directly while overseas, exposing the President’s email to hackers.

Dr. Stein hasn’t shied away from attacking Clinton from the left, although PBS was recently caught editing Stein’s criticism of Clinton from an interview with Judy Woodruff. Dr. Stein is actively courting supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders turned off by Clinton’s coziness with the establishment and long history of alleged corruption.

Dustin Stockton is a political reporter for Breitbart News, a community liaison for Gun Owners of America, and a political strategist. Follow him on Twitter @DustinStockton or  Facebook.