A Tampa, Florida ABC News reporter asked Hillary Clinton if she would be willing to take neurological tests following her health scare, which forced Clinton to flee the 9-11 memorial earlier this month. But the former secretary of state laughed off the question, saying she doesn’t think the tests are needed.

“I am very sorry I got pneumonia,” Clinton responded. “I am very glad that antibiotics took care of it and that’s behind us now. I have met the standard that everybody running for president has met in terms of releasing information about my health.”

“The information is very clear and the information as I said meets the standards that every other person running for president has ever had to meet,” Clinton stated.

President Obama’s former physician Dr. David Scheiner previously appeared on CNN, saying Clinton should have neurological testing.

“I think she should have had a neurological examination, a thorough neurological examination in 2016,” he explained. “We know what happens to football players who have had concussions, how they begin to lose some of their cognitive ability, I think both of them [Trump and Clinton] should release their records.”

Clinton’s health became a subject of concern after she suffered from blood clots and a concussion in 2012. Her health has continued to make headlines throughout the years and most recently when she was seen being lifted into a van to leave the 9-11 memorial.

The secretary of state even referenced her concussion during an interview with the FBI about her use of a private email server.

After video caught Clinton fleeing the 9-11 memorial and being put into a van after appearing to lose consciousness — although she later said she never lost consciousness — her campaign announced she was suffering from pneumonia.

Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Department of Medicine chairman Dr. Bob Lehita also weighed in on Clinton’s health during an interview with Fox Business.

“This is a very unusual story with Hillary,” Lahita stated. “The very fact that she’s having these clots and she’s had two bouts of thrombosis is disconcerting, to say the least.”