March for Life – the pro-life organization that runs the peaceful protest of the Roe v. Wade decision annually on the national mall – is launching an advocacy arm called March for Life Action.

The organization, which annually hosts hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists throughout the nation in Washington, D.C., has released an ad titled “Consensus” that emphasizes the reality that the pro-life position and its accompanying policies are representative of most Americans:

“Candidates promising to expand abortion are out of touch with American voters,” is the message of the new ad campaign.

“With this ad, we encourage Americans to take a deeper look at their candidates,” says Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, adding:

Politicians who claim to be “pro-choice” essentially advocate for abortion-on-demand up until the time of birth, paid for by your taxpayer dollars. This radical position is out of touch with the large majority of Americans. With an overwhelming majority of Americans in favor of substantial restrictions on abortion, it’s time for politicians to change the fact that current U.S. law does not reflect the hearts and minds of its own people regarding life.

Mancini notes the ad does not utilize actors, but instead, features six women from various political and professional circumstances.

“As we state in the ad, it’s time for our voices to be heard and the extremism on this issue to end,” asserts Mancini.

In a post announcing the new March for Life Action campaign, Mancini describes the battle between pro-life activists and the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and others supporting the feminist notion that women’s “choices” about and control over their bodies take precedence over the safety and dignity of the unborn. She highlights that while the abortion lobby has been losing in the state legislatures – made up of representatives who are closest to the American people – judicial activists in the courts have been favoring pro-abortion activists.

Mancini writes:

While a culture of life has advanced legislatively in many states over the past few years, the June Supreme Court decision striking down Texas’ common-sense safety regulations for abortion centers endangers not only women’s health but also pro-life advances and laws across the country.

Then in late July, the Democrat National Committee introduced the most radical pro-abortion platform ever, advocating for abortion, on demand, at any time during pregnancy, paid for by your tax dollars.

The Democratic Presidential Candidate and other pro-abortion advocates have even called for a repeal of the long-standing bipartisan Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer dollars from paying for abortion through Medicaid.

The ad is based on a 2016 Knights of Columbus Marist Poll that surveyed 1,009 American adults about their beliefs about abortion. The poll revealed that a strong majority of Americans support conscience protection for medical professionals. Among registered voters, 57 percent say medical professionals and groups should be able to opt out of abortion procedures and coverage, compared to 36 percent who say they should not have this freedom.

The March for Life Action campaign will initially run Thursday through Monday, leading into the first presidential debate, and will include digital and television outreach. The ad will specifically target the key areas of Columbus, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Scranton, Pennsylvania; Richmond, Virginia; and the District of Columbia. In addition, the ad will run during major network programs, including: Madam Secretary, The Today Show, CBS This Morning, 60 Minutes, and others.