People who vote early tend to be older and Democratic, says a new survey from Morning Consult.

That means the voters who cast their ballots on election day are more likely to be independent, pro-GOP and working age, says the survey of 2,263 people who have already voted by mail or in person.

The Democratic skew towards early voting is highlighted by a chart showing how the early voters tend to trust Hillary Clinton more than Donald Trump on a variety of issues.

The nation’s growing polarization under President Barack Obama — who ran in 2008 promising unity, hope and change —  is shown by the number of voters sho say they are very unhappy with their choice of candidates. According to the Morning Consult statement

Despite winning on the issues, nearly a third of early voters (including 66 percent of Republicans) say they will be “scared” if Clinton wins the election. But that number is 15 points higher for Trump, at 46 percent (including 73 percent of Democrats). A majority of voters, 50 percent, say they will be “excited” or “optimistic” if Clinton wins, compared with 40 percent who say the same for Trump.

The poll was conducted with Politico, from Oct. 18 to Nov. 6. The survey has an error margin of 2 percentage points.