In a truly bizarre leap of logic, film star Whoopi Goldberg has compared the right to observe the feast of Christmas with a woman’s purported right to have an abortion.

On Tuesday’s episode of The View on ABC, Goldberg argued with the other co-hosts regarding the separation of church and state, and people’s right to celebrate Christmas and publicly display Nativity scenes to mark the Christian holiday.

Out of nowhere, Goldberg brought up abortion, claiming that the celebration of Christmas is “the same conversation with a woman’s right to choose.”

“What I do with my body is my right. It is not your right to tell me,” she said. “The same thing is it’s – if you believe in Christmas, it’s not my right – you know, I grew up and – and, you know, kids who didn’t go to Catholic school had Christmas and they – we never knew what their religions were, but we hung ‘cause it was Christmas holiday.”

Ms. Goldberg has a long history of defending abortion, often using her role on The View as a bully pulpit to preach her gospel of “reproductive rights.”

Last year she challenged former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina asking whether her “Christian beliefs” on abortion would allow her to be president “for everyone.”

Goldberg asked, “I’m sorry, I got to ask this question. The first part of it is you’re running, I assume you’re a person who is very, sort of, pro-life. Are you going to run as a person going to govern for everyone or are you running on your Christian beliefs?”

The actress’s promotion of reproductive rights extends to a full-blown defense of America’s largest abortion provider: Planned Parenthood.

Again on The View, Goldberg lashed out at those pushing to stop federal funding of Planned Parenthood, telling conservative politicians: “Get out of my vagina!”

In the same episode, Goldberg and the other co-hosts took aim at Republican presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson, a vocal critic of Planned Parenthood and its shameless targeting of black women for abortions.

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