Thousands of bikers are planning to come to Washington D.C. for Trump’s inauguration in support of the president-elect.

Chris Cox organized a rally for his group of more than 5,000 “Bikers for Trump” that will include “musical performances and speakers,” but he also said they will “stand up to dangerous protesters,” the Daily Mail reported.

“In the event that we are needed, we will form a wall of meat,” he told Fox & Friends. “We’ll be shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and we’ll be toe-to-toe with anyone who’s going to break through police barriers,” he said.

Cox said the group is non-violent and the bikers will only step in if protesters become violent, “assaulting women, spitting on them, and throwing things at them.”

Cox started “Bikers for Trump” in 2015, and he says the group has grown to about 200,000 members.

His group is also hoping to promote a bill that Cox lobbied for that would keep national parks and monuments open “even when Washington is closed.”

Groups of left-wing protesters are planning their descent upon Washington during the inauguration. One event, called #DisruptJ20, plans to create a series of human blockades across D.C. and destroy public property.