Former President Obama issued more than $890 billion worth of regulations during his presidency, according to a new study from American Action Forum (AAF).

This number includes $24 million worth of midnight regulations issued in January, more midnight regulations than any lame duck president in history, Breitbart News reported.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued $344 billion worth of regulations during the Obama administration, and implemented the most expensive regulations out of all government agencies, according to the study.

The Department of Energy came in second, issuing $194 billion in regulations over the last eight years.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued $104 billion in regulations as it worked to roll out Obamacare provisions.

The Department of Transportation’s regulations totaled $58 billion, while the Department of Labor issued $56 billion worth of rules during Obama’s time in office.

“The costs of these $890 billion in burdens must be borne by someone, and it is the American people who inevitably end up paying for these rules in some form,” said Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy at AAF.