A video of an all-out brawl that erupted at an upstate New York Denny’s restaurant Saturday gained more than 4.5 million views on Facebook, according to a Facebook video of the incident.

Police say that fighting took place at the Wolf Road Denny’s in Colonie Saturday morning at around 4:20 a.m., but they did not arrest anybody or issue citations, the Albany Times-Union reported.

The video shows a group of people punching each other, while plates are breaking on the floor and silverware is flying everywhere.

Comedian Nick Joseph, also known as “Nick Nack Pattiwhack,” captured the video while he was at the restaurant with his friend Dan Rue, the New York Post reported.

Pattiwhack and Rue, both from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, are known for their online videos in which they make jokes in celebrities’ houses and public places. They are especially known for using the catchphrases, “We live, baby!” and “That’s the one, Danielson!”

Pattiwhack drops several of his catchphrases during the video, while the two groups of people duke it out.

“What is you doing, baby?! I didn’t even get my food yet, baby!” he says as the scene descends into mayhem. “We live, baby! Yea!”

“What is you doing, baby?! Oh no, baby!” he adds.

Eventually, Pattiwhack goes over to where three girls are fighting and removes his drink placed on the table next to them but does not intervene in the fight.

Pattiwhack got a lot of flack on social media for not stepping in to stop the fight.

“I can’t believe u didn’t save some one,” one Facebook user commented. “Smh peter Pipe a f–k u!!! That ain’t cool.”

“Real talk…This wasn’t cool or funny at all. I like you two guys, y’all make me laugh but this is sad seeing grown folks especially black women acting like hoodlums and you promoting it,” said another user.

Pattiwhack responded to his critics saying, “My job as a crime stopped us to record and gather faces .. that way I don’t get touched, and they don’t get touched by me.”

Police say that because of sensitive personal information regarding those involved, they would not release a report of the incident. Denny’s declined to comment on the situation.