The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) launched an ad campaign urging President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

CEI will run nearly 70 television spots on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC for three days before President Trump travels overseas on Friday.

The think tank argued during the last year that the Paris climate agreement would devastate the American economy and impose higher energy prices on millions of Americans. CEI argues that rather than following in the footsteps of President Obama, President Trump should declare the Paris agreement a treaty and have the Senate reject the climate agreement.

Myron Ebell, director of CEI’s Center for Energy and Environment, stated:

Keeping his campaign promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty is a prime opportunity for President Trump to listen to the people who elected him, reject the Washington Swamp, and restore the constitutional treaty process. Staying in Paris threatens the President’s energy agenda, which is a key part of his plan to increase economic growth.

The majority of CEI’s ads ran on Thursday, May 18, before Trump’s first foreign trip that concludes with the G-7 Summit in Sicily. CEI has a petition, urging Americans to stop the Paris climate treaty at

President Trump will decide whether to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement after he concludes his meeting at the G-7.

“The president has been meeting with his team for quite a while on this matter, and he will not be making an announcement regarding that agreement until after he returns from the G-7,” White House press secretary Spicer said. “The reason that he’s seeking the advice of his team is to get options and then he’ll pursue the best one. But I’m not going to tell you which one that he’s going to do.”

Spicer added, “The president wants to continue to meet with his team … meet with not just the economic piece, but his environmental team, and come to a decision on what’s the best interests of the United States, using the expertise that surrounds him.”

Watch the television ad here: