You can set your watch to it. In the wake of every jihad terror attack, no matter how heinous and horrifying, in come the washerwomen with buckets of dirty water working double time to scrub and censor the motive from the attack.

No matter the monstrosity, nothing changes. If the torn, dismembered bodies of little girls at an Ariana Grande concert were not a game-changer, then nothing will move the conquered and the unmovable. Not only do we, the victims, have to clean up the flesh and bone and blood running down the pavement, we must subject ourselves to endless dawah (proselytizing) for Islam on mind-numbing news shows on the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, and the like. 

FOX is lost. Sunday morning, Fox and Friends had on dissembler Mubin Shaikh. He said, “we must never equate Islam and terrorism.” The hosts nodded gravely. There is nowhere on TV you can get reality.

One of the three London Bridge jihadi attackers said, according to a neighbor, “I’m ready to do whatever I need to do in the name of Allah. I am ready in the name of Allah to do what needs to be done, including killing my own mother.”

What further proof does anyone need? Why the madness and irrational denial? Sixteen years after 9/11 and over thirty thousand deadly Islamic attacks, according to the website, this is where we are?

Prime Minister Theresa May and every major media news outlet insists jihadis have “perverted” and/or “hijacked” Islam. How have they perverted it? They cite Quranic texts and teachings chapter and verse. They follow the hadith, Muhammad’s example.

Harun Khan, who leads the Muslim Council of Britain, said, “I am appalled and angered by the terrorist attacks at London Bridge and borough market, in my home city. These acts of violence were truly shocking and I condemn them in the strongest terms.” Is that so? What have Khan and his coreligionists — who allege that this is a misunderstanding of Islam — done to combat it? With the Islamic State energetically recruiting young Muslims in the U.S., that is a significant problem.

The Sun says that Ramadan is meant for devotion and peace. Since when? As Robert Spencer has noted

A jihad group explained it back in 2012: ‘The month of Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for Allah. It is a month for fighting the enemies of Allah and God’s messenger, the Jews and their American facilitators.’ Referring to a jihad attack that happened at that time, the message continued: ‘One of our groups aided by Allah managed to bomb a bus full of Jewish tourists, plunderers of holy lands, after careful tracking. The holy war is not confined to a particular arena and we shall fight the Jews and the Americans until they leave the land of Islam.’

You won’t hear much about these scenes from the London jihad slaughter from the enemedia:

–”‘He just stepped outside the bar for a second and a man ran up to him and said: “This is for my family, this is for Islam”, and stuck a knife straight in him. He’s got a seven-inch scar going from his belly round to his back,’ Elizabeth O’Neill told reporters outside King’s College hospital.”

–”[The van was] probably travelling at about 50 miles an hour” … “and then hit about five or six people,” said BBC reporter Holly Jones.

–”According to another witness, Eric, the men inside jumped out once the van crashed and ‘ran towards the people that they nearly ran over’…. ‘[Then] they literally just started kicking them, punching them, they took out knives… it was a rampage really,’ he said.”

–One man, Gerard, said he saw a woman being stabbed “10 or 15 times.” Another witness, Eric, told the BBC the men were shouting “This is for Allah.”

Nor will you hear much about the words spoken to a mother in London before a jihadi plunged a knife into her son’s stomach: “This is for Islam.”

Will we ever learn their motive?

One of the jihadis who attacked London with two coreligionists before being shot dead by police deceived his neighbors into thinking he was a great guy, a good neighbor. He played football with their children on the nearby field. Secretly, he had a devout, destructive hatred, and he frequently changed his appearance in preparation of unleashing a deadly Islamic attack on the capital city, during which seven people died and up to 50 were injured last night.

One of the London jihadi was turned in twice, once by a neighbor and another time by a friend. Why wasn’t anything done? Perhaps because law enforcement did not want to appear to “islamophobic” or “racist” (even though Islam is not a race).

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.