House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is asking for negotiations with the GOP leaders as media reports say President Donald Trump prepares to truncate the 2012 DACA amnesty for 800,000 younger illegals.

“As you know, the President is likely to make an announcement early next week,” Pelosi said in a message to House Speaker Paul Ryan, who announced Friday that he wants Trump to preserve the DACA, despite its illegality.

“That is why I am writing to ask you to meet with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other House Democratic leaders as soon as we return next week to discuss a comprehensive legislative solution for our country’s DREAMers,” Pelosi wrote, using the media-magnified “dreamer” term for young illegal immigrants.

There’s a lot of agreement between Pelosi and Ryan because both want to keep the younger illegal immigrants in the United States instead of allowing Trump to enforce the law.

According to Pelosi, the DACA illegals are “patriotic, courageous men and women who are American in every way …[ their repatriation] would be disastrous for communities, our economy, and our nation.”

According to Ryan, “these are kids who know no other country who were brought here by their parents and don’t know another home and so I really do believe that there needs to be a legislative solution.” Ryan spoke Friday about the issue to a radio station in Wisconsin.

Business groups also want to keep the DACA illegals, who comprise a population of 800,000 workers and consumers. According to a Thursday statement from an advocacy group funded by billionaires,

Our economy would lose $460.3 billion from the national GDP and $24.6 billion in Social Security and Medicare tax contributions. Dreamers are vital to the future of our companies and our economy. With them, we grow and create jobs. They are part of why we will continue to have a global competitive advantage. Dreamers are vital to the future of our companies and our economy. With them, we grow and create jobs. They are part of why we will continue to have a global competitive advantage.

Pelosi’s statement asks Ryan to pass legislation matching a bill drafted by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus “to shield our bright, young DREAMers from the arbitrary cruelty of deportation” back to their homeland.

Democrats favor increasing immigration and amnesties because migrants tend to vote Democratic once they become citizens. Democrats are also willing to back industry’s demand for extra workers — despite the damaging impact to American wages — if industry lobbies the GOP to approve a “path to citizenship” for illegals.

Ryan has also praised the young illegals and has repeatedly endorsed “any willing worker” proposals, which are designed to raise the inflow of foreign workers whenever employers are forced to pay higher wages.

Pro-American immigration reform groups, however, are worried that Ryan and Pelosi will quickly approve an extended DACA amnesty without reforming the nation’s immigration system, improving enforcement or strengthening borders.

According to reformers, canceling DACA in exchange for legislative  “trinkets” — such as one year of border-wall funding — would be a huge blow to Trump because it would deny him a trading card in possible pre-election 2018 negotiations over his wage-boosting “Raise Act” merit immigration reform.