President Donald Trump spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday for over an hour, hosting a wide-ranging discussion on foreign policy.

Trump revealed to reporters that the two leaders spoke about peace in Syria, the response to North Korea and Russia’s activity in Ukraine.

“We had a great call with President Putin,” Trump said as he departed the White House to spend his Thanksgiving break at his Mar-a-lago club in Florida.

The president said the phone call lasted “almost an hour and a half” as the two leaders spoke “very strongly about North Korea and Ukraine,” as well as Syria. Putin and Trump last spoke briefly in person during a recent summit of world leaders in Asia.

According to a White House readout of the call, Trump and Putin spoke about the importance of ending the conflict in Syria and allowing Syrian refugees to return home.

They also spoke about ending Islamic State terrorism as well as that perpetrated by al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The two leaders also spoke about the importance of “lasting peace in Ukraine,” according to the call readout.