President Donald Trump reacted to the recent terrorist attacks in New York City, vowing to respond with tougher immigration policies.

Citing Monday’s failed suicide bomber attempt, Trump pointed out that his presence in the United States was a result of chain migration. He also cited the Home Depot truck attack as the result of the Visa lottery program.

“We’re going to end them. Fast. Congress must get involved immediately, and they are involved immediately and I can tell you we have tremendous support,” he said. “They will be ended. ”

The president made his remarks on Tuesday afternoon during a signing ceremony for the military spending authorization bill.

He urged Congress to move quickly to end the two programs that allowed alleged terrorists into the country legally by giving them green cards.

Trump thanked local and federal law enforcement for responding quickly to the failed bombing event on Monday.

“They did an incredible job,” he added.

The president also praised the military for their success against Islamic State terrorism.

“We’ve won in Syria, we’ve won in Iraq, but they spread to other areas and we are getting them as fast as they spread,” he said.