International Falls, Minnesota, has broken a nearly century-old record for their coldest December 27, at -36 degrees Fahrenheit.

That temperature — not including the wind chill factor — is the lowest since 1924’s -32F on the same date. However, it remains a far cry from the state’s coldest on record: On Groundhog Day (February 2) in 1996, Tower, Minnesota, recorded a bone-chilling -60F morning. Even International Falls has seen colder on other days, with a -55F personal “best” in 1909.

This winter has been brutal across the board. According to, a southward dip in the jet stream is largely responsible for pushing arctic temperatures into both midwestern and northeastern portions of the United States. Already, dozens of locations have reported record freezing temperatures.

If you plan to ring in 2018 with Ryan Seacrest and Mariah Carey — yes, again — in Times Square, be prepared to face one of the coldest New Year’s Eves that the city has ever seen. New York City Emergency Management officials are encouraging citizens to remain indoors via an extreme cold weather alert. A code blue has also been instated for the city’s homeless population.

This winter, it seems that Jack Frost is going a bit further than merely nipping at your nose.

You can find Nate Church being a huge nerd @Get2Church on Twitter.